近年來更響應了國際推動的地球環保,將奈米科技融入陶瓷產品設計中,也獲得很高的評價。薄胎系列屢獲大獎,備受肯定,我們會精益求精,挑戰下一個不可能的任務,即使只一個小小的茶杯,都會以最專業、最用心的方式去做, 未來存仁堂將會永續經營,創作出更好的作品。
Established for over 30 years, Tsun-Ren-Tang heritaged traditional ceramic skills to create an artistic new era.From the living arts to the applications of multi materials, the combination of pottery, coloured glass and glazing skills developed multi functional art crafts.Tsun-Ren-Tang is again using its unique skill with the combination of science and arts to develop various medias for the design and processing of their new products.TV
Overseas Marketing Achievements:
1. participated in many expositions at Beijing, Shanghai and Xia-Men in China.
2. Workshop with Lu-Yu Tea Company at Tien-Fu market in China.
3. Cooperated with Taiwan Art Research and Development Centre for the exhibitions! at Paris, Milan & Frankfurt.